2016年8月24日 星期三

A1戰場 ~ 第十回 (Serpent 4X)
内附 : Serpent 4X SET-UP SHEET @ ACO
Felix,今回輪到你啦! 點解我咁講? 明既人會明,唔明就算。咁點解今次會有英文䆁本? 因為我唔知Felix本人/佢啲朋友識唔識睇中文,同埋佢提供既資料都係英文,所以先有英文板本既A1戰場。⋯⋯
入返正題先,Felix Law 係香港其中一個頂尖既車手,佢應該叫全職車手。贏過唔少大大細細既比賽。最代表性,我相信係今年美國舉辦既 Reedy Race,佢係入咗去 invitation class 到比賽。

嚟緊八月既世界賽 Felix 就會用全新設計既 Serpent 4X 參戰! 而琴日佢就用咗呢部新車响 RCF 試一試水溫,最後响 Modified Class 以 A3 完成。

條蛇係咩色? 仲未有定案,最終出街係咩色,要到時先知。而 felix 部車係有啲紫色既。因為暫時廠方都唔比車手公開照片,所以未能提供 Felix 部車既相片。

以下就係 Felix 既賽後報告~

第一次揸呢部車既感覺良好,由於响第一場初賽掃齒既原故,所以無咗第一場既 TQ。 呢架車既轉向反應非常直接,暫時唔係咁多車手可以適應到咁銳利既轉向,大家都努力去搵更好既車架設定。

Team Powers 隊既 Thomas Hui 都係揸緊呢部新車 (就係我地較早前 post 嗰部)。 而 Thomas 响今次既比賽中都係名列前茅,Felix 同 Thomas 都滿意今場車既測試,亦相信係一個好既開始!

A1 Battlefield ~ Chapter 10 (Serpent 4x)

Felix, it’s your turn now. This chapter is belong to one of the great driver in Hong Kong (Felix Law) and his new car (Serpent 4X). The below messages are Felix’s impression and comments about his car and the race:

The car was pretty good for the first time. I miss the TQ due to a striped spur in Q1 on the last lap & effected the race result. The car have a very direct steering feel. it's a little toward the responsive side, not too many people can get used to it. I still looking for a easier to drive setup to be fast.

Thomas also driving the same car, he also have a quick pace. with the car still pretty new in term off setup, I believe its a good start.

I believe car have potential. But as if right now, it's not for everyone.



